Friday, August 27, 2004

First ever.

Hey look! I've got a sketchblog. It's like livejournal, only ten times cooler. Yah!

Ok, now that Im down off of that adhrenaline cloud, Id like to welcome everyone to my blog. Since all of my friends are currently away at school, I need a way to amuse myself, and someway to broadcast my opinions to the world.

So...stuff about me... Still jobless over here. I went on an interview Tuesday, and it seemed to go pretty well, I'm still waiting to hear back from them. Id really like the job for two reasons: first two of my friends from CCS work there as well, so I would have company, and second, Im so incredibly broke. So everyone keep your fingers crossed.

And now, the real reason I set this blog up, to display my sketchwork. You see I stumbled across this comic book artist's site that had all of his warmup sketches for every day. Since I'm a complete hack and steal everyone's ideas, I thought I would set up something similar. Although I dont know if I can maintain this daily, I hope it will encourage me to sketch more and improve my skills.

Today's sketch is the Thing, also known as Ben Grimm, from the Fantastic Four. I am somewhat pleased with it. For the uninitiated, the Thing is a monster made of orange rock. But he's a good guy. I think I made his head too small in an attempt to get across the gigantic nature of the man. Anyway here it is.

Well I guess thats enough for tonight. Ill try to post again in a day or two. Bye for now.
