Monday, February 27, 2006

Illustration Friday : Tea

There hasn't been much art on here recently, I've been applying to jobs and taking design tests, so I really haven't had alot of time or energy for my work. I decided, that since I had missed several Illustration Friday entries in a row, I would take a crack at this week's. The topic is "Tea"

If any of you hear of an animation studio looking for a designer, you'd let me know right? RIGHT? That's what I thought.

Til next time.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hallmark Day

Happy Valentines day folks. Sorry about the lack of recent artwork but Ive been busy trying to become employed once again. In honor of this day of love and the fact that Tim has basically forced me into watching 24 Season One, I present you with this.

I have learned you simply to do not mess with this I will remain joyless. If you want to be my Valentine, we'll have to run it past Jack first. Just so you know.
