Saturday, August 27, 2005

Have I got an act for you!

The Aristocrats is one of the funniest films I've seen in a long, long time. Unfortunately I can't recommend it for everyone. If you have ever....EVER....been insulted or embarrased by a joke avoid this movie at all costs. This could quite possibly kill you.


"A guy walks into a talent agent's office and say 'Have I got an act for you!'"

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Another work for the portfolio. Playing around with the batman villian Clayface. Let me know what you think.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Hey a webcomic....again.

Yes it's true...I started another comic. For those of you who haven't seen it, go check out the frontpage and see for yourself. There is one main thing I want to mention about this here it goes

This comic is going to be relatively loose. Art styles will change, coloring styles will change, things will be different. This is essentially my excuse to experiment. The storyline will get strange, and there will be little chance that many of you will be "in it".

Alrighty. You may have noticed a change from strip one to strip two. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. The strip will essentially look like however I feel like drawing that particular day. I think it will make things interesting atleast. And hopefully this will keep me interested enough to continue. The new frontpage layout makes updating really easy. I just change two lines of code and upload the new comic and Im done. It's amazing!

Right now I'm hoping for a three times a week update. The odds of this are pretty slim. It will probably be closer to twice a week, but I can dream.
