Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day Madness

So that was some false advertising. There was, in fact, no madness at all today. It was a rather pleasant day of seeing friends and consuming White Castle, surprise surprise. I actually spent a good hour on the floor of Tim's basement making small fortresses out of used White Castle boxes.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates over the last month or so, but work has been keeping me pretty busy. The kids are entering an art competition put on by CCS. This means I get to mat literally dozens of pieces. If the school didn't have one of those industrial strength Mat cutters, I would probably have lost my mind. But the kids have a good chance at some real awards, some of the artwork is amazing for students at this level.

Christmas was nice. Some time off and I got to see family that I generally dont see the rest of the year. My folks got me a nice digital camcorder, and by got me, I mean I researched, ordered and payed for the camera online, and they plan on paying me back for it. It is a nice Panasonic with some excellent features. I also got some nice CD's and a DVD or two. My sister got me Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I forgot what an amazing movie this is. The imagery alone is spectacular. If you haven't seen this movie yet, go right now, turn of your computer, run to Best Buy, purchase the DVD, return home, place it in your DVD tray, press play, and enjoy. You will not be disspointed.

Here is your creepy Holiday sketch....hope you like it.

I'll post more over the break as well, since I'll probably have the time, and hopefully new work to put up.

Currently Watching : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind