Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A bit of work ahead of me...

For those of you who don't regularly check the front page, I've added a new section and set myself up for 108 more days of stress. Over the weekend I downloaded something called the Konfabulator...more on this later. One of the features is a countdown that can tell you how many days are left before a certain date. I set it for the last day of work at Berkley High, and at that point it was exactly 112 days. So I decided to start the 112 project, which entails me creating one unique illustration each day, every day for 112 days. There are four posted so far, you can check it out here.

Now, "what is the Konfabulator?" you ask! Well, it is a program made specifically for your desktop that displays what are called widgets. These widgets can be downloaded from the same site as the program, and range from the weather, to stock prices, to any number of other useful applications. You can check out my layout if you wish....

The website can be found here. There are downloads for Mac and PC, and best of all, it's free. Be sure to check out the Gallery section for more interesting widgets.

Thats all I have for now. I expect to see a number of you whenever your Spring breaks come up. Talk to you then.

Song of the Week - Operator (That's not the way it feels) by Jim Croce

Friday, February 18, 2005

I enjoy the work break!

This past week has been Berkley High's winter break, which means I get a winter break as well. It has been rather boring what with no one around to hang out with. I went out to dinner with Molly over the weekend to celebrate her 21st Birthday. It was nice, we went to Agave's in Detroit. We tried Union Street and the Magic Stick first, but they were both packed. We kind of forgot about that whole Saturday Night before Valentine's Day thing. Whoops. It was still very nice, had a couple of Jack and Cokes, not to mention several bowls of free chips and salsa.

Fodee has been writing from Boot Camp. He says "hi" to the gang, and would me to shake my fist at Roy for not warning him properly about the Hell that Marine Boot Camp is. I personally think he just didnt want to listen to any of us about it. Email me if you dont have his address and want to write him, I think he'd really like to hear from people.

Two new images for tonight because I love you all so much. First is a fan art piece I did for one of the guys over at Machall. They produce one of my favorite webcomics and I decided to work something up for them.

The other is another preview of my upcoming webcomic. You see how I tied those two together...eh? whatever....I need a beer...here's your damn art!

Back to work, hope you are all well.

Song of the Week : Glory Bound by Martin Sexton

Saturday, February 05, 2005

It's free preview time....

A couple people had asked for a preview of the comic strip. I dont plan on starting it for a litle while to give me time to vuild up some reserves, but I figured I could post an example of a panel.

I decided to start doing the entire comic on the computer, and so far I'm liking the results. But the ultimate judge is you...yes YOU!

I'll be up at Grand Valley all day tomorrow for my sister's Opera thingy. Hope everyone's doing well.

Im out.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Prognositcator of Prognosticators

A little late, better than nothing....I think.

"This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."


Tuesday, February 01, 2005


A brand new month, same old bordem.

I figured Id start off with the sketch this time. This one was an actual sketch I did the other night. Again I'm going to bring up Eternal Sunshine, quickly becoming one of my favorite flicks. I decided to try and do a sketch of Jim Carey as "Joel". I didnt want to do the typical Jim Carey caricature, but rather one of the character himself. It kind of worked, again it's just a sketch, so I havent put much emotional stock into it or anything.

In other news...I'm starting another web comic, so God help us all. I plan on finishing a good number of them before I start posting however, so expect posts on time for a very short while. It's based on a public school kid who is caught using drugs...the strip picks up with his first day at the catholic school his parents are forcing him to go to. I have two strips completed in full dazzling color, and a full story arc planned out. It's scary when I'm productive. I'll try and get the first couple up soon, or atleast post some sketches here to wet your whistle.

Work is still going well, alternating between light days and heavy ones. Maybe I was a bigger kiss ass in high school than I remember, but I'm amazed at the attitude of some of these kids. They are wasting so much time and energy fighting over the dumbest stuff with teachers. Pick your battles guys, pick your battles. It's possible that Shrine put something in the khakis and oxford cloth shirts to subdue us, it's just weird looking back and trying to remember what it was like 9 years ago when I started High School. I have to stop making myself feel old, time to go play some Zelda on my gameboy.
