Sunday, April 24, 2005

I am still here!

Alright ladies and Jellyspoons...I am a lousy person and a damn liar. I know I was supposed to have the new site up by last wednesday. Obviously that hasn't happened. I've been working on a lot lately and I just haven't had the time to put into the site. I hope to have it up and running in the next couple of days, atleast for testing purposes to see how it works on everyone's browsers.

I posted a few illustrations on the 112 page, and I should be caught up tomorrow or the next day. I've started to really enjoy this style of celebrity caricature. Maybe I could do freelance for Entertainment weekly or something. Anyway, I may take this week and do illustrations of all my friends who have been asking when they are going to be featured. If you want to be included please send along a photo via email or else I may be forced to use whatever image I can scrounge up out of my own collection. You know that could be scary. I have gradeschool photos of some of you....beware.

Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Also, good luck to Derrick who heads back out in two days for more Military training, i.e. how to blow things up with really big weapons.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Things they are a changing

Hey folks...

for those of you who still check the frontpage, you may have noticed I've finally changed the "winter" design scheme. I decided to completely rebuild the site, and it should be done within the next day or two. The old portfolio section was about a year old, and there are several things that needed to be updated and changed. I hope to have the new site finished tomorrow and uploaded for Wednesday.

I apologize that I have fallen behind on the 112 project, but I really want to get this site finished soon so I can stop thinking about it. Thats about it..

Happy Belated Birthday Roy...

Happy Birthday Tim....

Welcome Back Fodee....

The rest of you can bite me (I kid, I kid) ...

Now I need some sleep. Work in 7 hours.


So I'm not quite there yet. I apologize, whenever I set a deadline for myself I end up blowing it. I didn't have any time to work on the site at work like I was hoping, and I started feeling lousy around the time I got home. It might be the did get a bit warm out today. I am contemplating calling in tomorrow, because of how I feel, not because of the website, but I am seriously going to try and get the site up tomorrow if I can. I just dont want to post it until everything is ready and working to my satisfaction.

In an unrelated note....the new Gorillaz album has been leaked in its entirety. If you're into that kind of thing, check it out. And please, if you download or not, pick up the album when it drops in May.


Figures...I get this thing done and now my FTP program can't connect to my site. Sorry folks, looks like it'll be up when it's up.


Monday, April 11, 2005

I is to teach things good

I was searching through my files at work and I came a across a piece I did to demonstrate some Photoshop techniques. The student's project was to create a stamp, which is why this design looks the way it does.

As you can imagine, I dont plan on making a wallpaper out of this.

It's genius if I do say so myself, and I'm afraid I may have to.


Friday, April 08, 2005

Knock Knock


How many punk rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Two. One to Screw it in, and one to scream "THAT IS SO PUNK ROCK!"

It's four am and I think I may be losing my mind. On the bright side, London Calling still holds up twenty five years later. So theres that.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Ima' Blind!

Aparently the white wallpapers were a bit too much for some of you. *Cough* *Cough* pansies *Cough*~! Oh excuse me!

Anyway, because I aim to please, I have created new versions of four and eight. I didnt have a chance to make previews this time around, so you'll just have to click and see if you like the new versions. Who knows, maybe I made them brighter just to fool you. Do you have the cajones to find out? I surely hope so.

Number 4 part deux
800 x 600 :1024 x 768 :1280 x 1024

Number 8 part deux
800 x 600 :1024 x 768 :1280 x 1024


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Eight is Great!

Ok, one more. It's eight's turn this time. There are also alot of birds. I..I really dont know why. But I like it.

800 x 600 :
1024 x 768 :
1280 x 1024 :

Enjoy you wallpaper holmes.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Four...its a magic number

Just finished a new design piece. I liked it enough that I decided to make a wallpaper out of it. Check er out. Dont ask me why four, why not four huh? huh? I may do other numbers as well, since this one came out rather well.

800 x 600 :
1024 x 768 :
1280 x 1024 :

Let me know what you think.
